It was supposed to be a cheap two days in Warsaw but that was given the the thumbs down by Connie “I want to go to Barcelona”and a quick shout upstairs to our Sarah made it 3 for 4 nights and the most expensive 4 nights I’ve ever had.
Its not that the place was expensive not like say Amsterdam where a tenner a pint was normal but the food was so nice we just ate and ate and ate mostly Russian salad so much so that I consider myself quite an authority on it right now especially on the ones that had garden peas in them and Gaudi of course whose work my wife loved and I didn’t love as much but I must admit that stepping out of the downpour and into the light of the Sagrada Familia was something I will never forget even though it cost €100 to get in there but book online as the ques were as long as an Ederson goal kick.
Moaning too much but really going abroad is for taking pictures.Sure nice wine and food but essentially it is about being free to make pictures. Barcelona was a Fuji trip with the X70 which I took out largely at night and a XT-20 with an 18-55 zoom. I was trying to get my hands on a 1.4 23mm but couldn’t get one in time and I still miss my big Nikon on trips as I can use it blindfolded something I will never be able to say about a Fuji but they are smaller and less obtrusive when in the street and the teeny X70 is a joy.
Here are a few from the four days two of which were sunny two rain and thunderstorms. What a place it is with its old town streets right next to ten beaches laid back style and amazing tapas.Its flat so you can ride forever or hire an electric scooter which my wife didn’t allow me to do.Thanks Connie.
If you do go there and head to the pubs in the Gothic quarter you will see D.Silva is better than Messi scrawled on blackboards in was me.